NOAA Deep-Sea Coral Research and Technology Program

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Последняя версия опубликовано United States Geological Survey нояб. 18, 2024 United States Geological Survey
Дата публикации:
18 ноября 2024 г.
United States Geological Survey
CC0 1.0

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NOAA’s Deep-Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSC-RTP) has compiled a national database of the known locations of deep-sea corals and sponges in U.S. territorial waters and beyond. The database is comprehensive, standardized, quality controlled, and networked to outside resources. The database schema accommodates both linear (trawls, transects) and point (samples, observations) data. The structure of the database is tailored to occurrence records of all the azooxanthellate corals, a subset of all corals, and all sponge species. Fish records are also included when annotated along with coral and sponge occurrences. Records shallower than 50 m are generally excluded in order to focus on predominantly deep-water species – the mandate of the DSC-RTP. The intention is to limit the overlap with light-dependent (and mostly shallow-water) corals. To query, visualize, and download data in its native format, please visit our map portal: Deep-Sea Corals Map Portal. For advanced data query and data download, please visit our ERDDAP data access form: ERDDAP Data Access Form. To learn more about NOAA's National Database for Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges, visit our website: NOAA Deep-Sea Coral Data.

Записи данных

Данные этого occurrence ресурса были опубликованы в виде Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), который является стандартным форматом для обмена данными о биоразнообразии в виде набора из одной или нескольких таблиц. Основная таблица данных содержит 1 288 603 записей.

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Исследователи должны дать ссылку на эту работу следующим образом:

Hourigan T (2024). NOAA Deep-Sea Coral Research and Technology Program. Version 1.22. United States Geological Survey. Occurrence dataset.


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Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является United States Geological Survey. Насколько это возможно по закону, издатель отказался от всех прав на эти данные и посвятил их Public Domain (CC0 1.0). Пользователи могут без ограничений копировать, изменять, распространять и использовать работу, в том числе в коммерческих целях.

Регистрация в GBIF

Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: df8e3fb8-3da7-4104-a866-748f6da20a3c.  United States Geological Survey отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке GBIF-US.

Ключевые слова

Occurrence; Observation; Occurrence

Внешние данные

Ресурс также доступен в других форматах


Tom Hourigan
  • Metadata Provider
  • Deep-Sea Coral Chief Scientist (retired)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Tom Hourigan
  • Metadata Provider
  • Deep-Sea Coral Chief Scientist (Retired)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Heather Coleman
  • Point Of Contact
  • DSCRTP Program Manager
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • 3014278650
Robert McGuinn
  • Point Of Contact
  • DSCRTP Data Systems Project Lead
Northern Gulf Institute (a NOAA Cooperative Institute)
Abby Benson
  • Publisher
  • Biologist
U.S. Geological Survey
Stephen Formel
  • Processor
  • Biologist
U.S. Geological Survey

Географический охват

Data were collected primarily from U.S. waters and oceanic regions--the Arctic, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico. International records are included, but are more sparse than U.S. based occurrences

Ограничивающие координаты Юг Запад [-90, -180], Север Восток [90, 180]

Таксономический охват

Deep-sea corals, sponges, and fishes.

Phylum Porifera, Cnidaria
Class Elasmobranchii, Myxini, Teleostei, Holocephali, Petromyzonti

Временной охват

Дата начала / Дата окончания 1833-01-01 / 2022-09-07

Данные проекта

The Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program is administered by the Office of Habitat Conservation within NOAA Fisheries. It is the nation’s only federal research program dedicated to increasing scientific understanding of deep-sea coral ecosystems. This work informs critical management decisions about these habitats and the ecosystems they support in every region of the United States and its territories.

Название NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program
Идентификатор DSC-RTP
Финансирование NOAA
Описание района исследования NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (Program) was established in 2007 under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation & Management Act (or see Section 408). It is the nation’s only federal research program dedicated to increasing scientific understanding of deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems. The Program is highly cost-effective and leverages partner expertise and resources to expand its reach, and allow use of the newest technologies. These actions enhance the impact of NOAA’s deep-sea exploration and research efforts. The Program’s cutting edge and collaborative research aids resource managers in developing and evaluating management options for these valuable and vulnerable habitats on which U.S. fisheries and communities depend. The Program works with partners across the nation to support multi-year regional fieldwork initiatives and targeted projects centered on integrating new and existing information—including maintaining a national database of known coral and sponge occurrences—to maximize conservation impact while allowing sustainable fisheries to thrive. These products can be found on our data portal in the form of free downloadable data, interactive maps, images, technical reports, and other products. There are several avenues through which deep-sea corals and sponges can be recognized and protected. The United States’ eight regional fishery management councils can designate Essential Fish Habitat (and Habitat Areas of Particular Concern within Essential Fish Habitat). The councils also work to protect deep-sea corals and sponges through developing fishery management plans and exercising other authorities to minimize bycatch of these important species. NOAA and other governmental bodies may also designate national marine monuments and national marine sanctuaries. The Program provides the latest and best-available information for these management decisions.

Исполнители проекта:

Методы сбора

Охват исследования The Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program is tasked with identifying and mapping the locations of deep-sea corals. To meet this mandate, the Program has built a national geographic database that houses spatial records of deep-sea corals and sponges derived from the research funded by the Program, results of other NOAA programs that study the deep sea, and data voluntarily contributed by other federal agencies, research institutions and international organizations.
Контроль качества

Описание этапа методики:


Библиографические ссылки

  1. Hourigan, T. F., P. J. Etnoyer, R. P. McGuinn, C. Whitmire, D.S. Dorfman, M. Dornback, S. Cross, D. Sallis. 2015. An Introduction to NOAA’s National Database for Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 191. 27 pp. Silver Spring, MD. doi:10.7289/V5/TM-NOS-NCCOS-191
  2. McGuinn, RP, TF Hourigan, SL Cross, LM Dornback, PJ Etnoyer, DE Sallis, and HM Coleman. 2020. NOAA’s National Database for Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges: 2020 Status Update. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-OHC-007. 56 p. NMFS-OHC-007

Дополнительные метаданные

marine, harvest by iOBIS

Благодарности U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (Program) was established in 2007 under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation & Management Act (or see Section 408). It is the nation’s only federal research program dedicated to increasing scientific understanding of deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems. The Program is highly cost-effective and leverages partner expertise and resources to expand its reach and allow use of the newest technologies. These actions enhance the impact of NOAA’s deep-sea exploration and research efforts. The Program’s cutting edge and collaborative research aids resource managers in developing and evaluating management options for these valuable and vulnerable habitats on which U.S. fisheries and communities depend. The Program works with partners across the nation to support multi-year regional fieldwork initiatives and targeted projects centered on integrating new and existing information—including maintaining a national database of known coral and sponge occurrences—to maximize conservation impact while allowing sustainable fisheries to thrive. These products can be found on our data portal in the form of free downloadable data, interactive maps, images, technical reports, and other products. There are several avenues through which deep-sea corals and sponges can be recognized and protected. The United States’ eight regional fishery management councils can designate Essential Fish Habitat (and Habitat Areas of Particular Concern within Essential Fish Habitat). The councils also work to protect deep-sea corals and sponges through developing fishery management plans and exercising other authorities to minimize bycatch of these important species. NOAA and other governmental bodies may also designate national marine monuments and national marine sanctuaries. The Program provides the latest and best-available information for these management decisions.

Описание частоты обновления ресурса The program is running on a quarterly update cycles. Updates can include new records and quality improvements to existing occurrence records.
Альтернативные идентификаторы df8e3fb8-3da7-4104-a866-748f6da20a3c