This zooplankton dataset was collected as part of a larger study examining the effects of hypoxia on species composition, distributions, and predator-prey interactions between zooplankton and fish in a pelagic marine ecosystem. Day/night paired zooplankton sampling was conducted in Hood Canal, Puget Sound (Washington state, US), during 10 monthly cruises from June to October, 2012 and 2013, at five stations: Dabob, Union, Hoodsport, Duckabush and Twanoh. An obliquely towed multi-net system was used to collect depth stratified and full water column samples. For the depth-stratified sampling, depth layers were based on the dissolved oxygen profiles from CTD casts. In the laboratory, zooplankton were quantitatively subsampled and microscopically counted, with zooplankton densities calculated. All individuals were identified to species or larger taxonomic grouping, and by life stages for some species, within each sample. This dataset as published with OBIS incorporates corrections and updates to a dataset previously published on BCO-DMO.
Enregistrements de données
Les données de cette ressource données d'échantillonnage ont été publiées sous forme d'une Archive Darwin Core (Darwin Core Archive ou DwC-A), le format standard pour partager des données de biodiversité en tant qu'ensemble d'un ou plusieurs tableurs de données. Le tableur de données du cœur de standard (core) contient 345 enregistrements.
2 tableurs de données d'extension existent également. Un enregistrement d'extension fournit des informations supplémentaires sur un enregistrement du cœur de standard (core). Le nombre d'enregistrements dans chaque tableur de données d'extension est illustré ci-dessous.
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Comment citer
Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:
Keister J E, Essington T, Horne J K, Parker-Stetter S, Herrmann B, Li L, Mayorga E, Winans A (2024). Zooplankton densities collected from a seasonally hypoxic fjord (Hood Canal, Salish Sea, USA) on 2012-2013 cruises. Version 1.2. United States Geological Survey. Samplingevent dataset.
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L’éditeur et détenteur des droits de cette ressource est United States Geological Survey. Ce travail est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0.
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Cette ressource a été enregistrée sur le portail GBIF, et possède l'UUID GBIF suivante : 5944ffd0-ba6f-413b-8414-54433a4f2d1e. United States Geological Survey publie cette ressource, et est enregistré dans le GBIF comme éditeur de données avec l'approbation du GBIF-US.
- Fournisseur Des Métadonnées ●
- Créateur ●
- Personne De Contact ●
- Chercheur Principal
- Professor
- Créateur ●
- Chercheur Principal
- Professor
- Créateur ●
- Chercheur Principal
- Professor
- Créateur ●
- Chercheur Principal
- Program Manager
- Créateur
- Biological Oceanography
- Créateur
- Fisheries Biologist
- Fournisseur Des Métadonnées ●
- Créateur ●
- Processeur
- Senior Oceanographer
- Créateur
- Research Scientist
Couverture géographique
Hood Canal in Puget Sound, Washington State, USA. Puget Sound is part of the Salish Sea.
Enveloppe géographique | Sud Ouest [47,371, -123,125], Nord Est [47,812, -122,807] |
Couverture taxonomique
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Chordata, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Annelida, Cnidaria, Bryozoa |
Class | Hydrozoa, Bivalvia, Ostracoda, Copepoda, Thecostraca, Larvacea, Polychaeta, Malacostraca, Gastropoda |
Order | Trachymedusae, Calanoida, Siphonophorae, Euphausiacea, Pteropoda, Cyclopoida |
Family | Metridinidae, Paracalanidae, Corycaeidae, Euphausiidae, Calanidae, Oithonidae, Diphyidae, Clausocalanidae, Oncaeidae, Rhopalonematidae, Limacinidae, Centropagidae, Acartiidae |
Couverture temporelle
Date de début / Date de fin | 2012-06-11 / 2013-10-04 |
Données sur le projet
Low dissolved oxygen (hypoxia) is one of the most pronounced, pervasive, and significant disturbances in marine ecosystems. Yet, our understanding of the ecological impacts of hypoxia on pelagic food webs is incomplete because of our limited knowledge of how organism responses to hypoxia affect critical ecosystem processes. In pelagic food webs, distribution shifts of mesozooplankton and their predators may affect predator-prey overlap and dictate energy flow up food webs. Similarly, hypoxia may induce shifts in zooplankton community composition towards species that impede energy flow to planktivorous fish. However, compensatory responses by species and communities might negate these effects, maintaining trophic coupling and sustaining productivity of upper trophic level species. To address the question "Does hypoxia affect energy flow from mesozooplankton to pelagic fish?", this study used a nested framework of hypotheses that considered two sets of processes alternatively responsible for either changes or maintenance of pelagic ecosystem energy flows. Improved understanding of how hypoxia impacts marine ecosystems will benefit the practical application of ecosystem-based management (EBM) in coastal and estuarine ecosystems. Effective application of EBM requires that the impacts of human activities are well understood and that ecological effects can be tracked using indicators. This project will contribute to both of these needs. The PIs and other study participants shared their findings on local and national levels with Federal, State, Tribal, and County biologists.
Titre | Consequences of hypoxia on food web linkages in a pelagic marine ecosystem |
Identifiant | PelagicHypoxia |
Financement | Funding Source: NSF Division of Ocean Sciences; Award Number: OCE-1154648 |
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche | The study was conducted in Hood Canal, Washington state. Unlike most hypoxia-impacted estuaries, hypoxic regions of Hood Canal are in close proximity to sites that are not affected by hypoxia. This makes it logistically easier to conduct a comparative study and reduces the number of potential confounding factors when comparing areas that are far apart. |
Description du design | The project included multiple research cruises resulting in multiple datasets. A full list of datasets can be found at: |
Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:
Méthodes d'échantillonnage
We conducted day/night paired zooplankton sampling in Hood Canal in June-October, 2012 and 2013. Sampling stations included Dabob, Union, Hoodsport, Duckabush, and Twanoh. A Hydrobios MultiNet (five-net capacity) was used to collect depth-stratified and full water column samples. Net mouth area was 0.25 m2; 200- and 335-um mesh nets were used to sample different size zooplankton. Nets were towed obliquely at 1-2.5 knots (slower tows for smaller mesh size), with inner and outer flow meters to measure water volume sampled. For the depth-stratified sampling, depth layers were based on the dissolved oxygen profiles from CTD casts. In the laboratory, zooplankton were quantitatively subsampled and microscopically counted. All individuals were identified to species or larger taxonomic grouping, and by life stages for some species, within each sample.
Etendue de l'étude | Sampling conducted at 5 stations in Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington state, US. These stations are Dabob, Union, Hoodsport, Duckabush, and Twanoh. Day and night paired sampling took place during 10 monthly cruises from June to October, 2012 and 2013, spanning the period from 2012-06-11 to 2013-10-04. |
Description des étapes de la méthode:
- The starting point data file for OBIS Darwin Core alignment was obtained from a previous data submission to BCO-DMO available at doi:10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.682074.1. After downloading the file in csv format from the BCO-DMO ERDDAP server (, we performed the following revisions and corrections, based on more recent information from the PI's lab: - Assigned the correct timezone: PDT (local time, UTC-7), rather than UTC. - Populated missing times for 6 sampling events. - Corrected multiple life history stage entries. - Updated or corrected several taxa assignments. - Corrected a zooplankton density value. - Identified duplicate entries where only the zooplankton density values differed. In such cases, reduced the duplicates to single entries (17) with the mean density from the duplicate pairs.
Citations bibliographiques
- Li, L., J.E. Keister, T.E. Essington and J. Newton. 2019. Vertical distributions and abundances of life stages of the euphausiid Euphausia pacifica in relation to oxygen and temperature in a seasonally hypoxic fjord. Journal of Plankton Research 41(2): 188–202, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbz009
- Moriarty, P. E., T. E. Essington, J. K. J. E. Horne, Keister, L. Li, S. L. Parker-Stetter, and M. Sato. 2020. Unexpected food web responses to low dissolved oxygen in an estuarine fjord. Ecological Applications 30(8):e02204. doi:10.1002/eap.2204
Métadonnées additionnelles
The publication of this dataset in OBIS was supported by the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS,, the Regional Association of the national US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS, for the US Pacific Northwest.
Identifiants alternatifs | 5944ffd0-ba6f-413b-8414-54433a4f2d1e |
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